Sharing Ideas and Implementing them
Kiran Frey Kiran Frey

Sharing Ideas and Implementing them

Sharing the privilege of learning through raising funds. If all children grow up to access learning the net pool of knowledge would grow extending benefits to society and civilization.

In 2010 a group of youth and adult social entrepreneurs set their goals to start a computer center in the heart of the Govidpuri slums in Delhi, India run by the non profit, Project Why. The children named the computer center after teacher Maggie Gruber Black from Barrington IL. There were a variety of innovative methods used to raise funds and soon 9 computers were operating for 350 students to begin their lessons in math and technology. Ten years later only 2 computers were still operating so a group of social entrepreneurs led by 10 year old Jack Weed a student at the Barrington public schools decided to help raise funds for replacing the broken computers. He collaborated with adult volunteers and raised funds to sponsor an evening of fundraising through hosting cooking lessons and dinner.

Here is a video of the computer center:

On July 12th the Peter Wulff Center at Project Why will raise funds for a computer to allow more children access to computers and learning.

Jack was deeply touched by the children from the slums expressing their gratitude through photos. But through his act of service he understands his unique position where he has the support and iengagement of his community. Zein Bertacchi a talented cook and enthusiastic volunteer has supported his role as project leader and will teach Middle East cooking lessons followed by a gourmet meal on the 12th.

The Peter Wulff Center is open to ideas, volunteers and funds and offers teaching internships in Delhi, India.

More information is at

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