Armed with knowledge, experience and a Board dedicated to humanitarian goals the mission of The Peter Wulff center was born. 25 years ago board members created the nonprofit, Chess Without Borders to teach chess and engage the local and global community. The program “succeeded beyond my wildest imagination”, said its founder. The Peter Wulff Center will aspire to educate and empower the givers and receivers of this charity.

Project Why’s vision of a desirable world is where all children have a quality education and individuals learn skills to earn a livelihood and support themselves.

The center addresses a deep need for the program as majority of the women In Govindpuri are homebound due to family pressures, lack of education and poverty. They would like to work and need skills that will offer flexible working hours as they still need to raise their children and work in the home.

Tailoring Course was started in 2022 over 500 women studied tailoring free of cost. The center has 9 sewing machines and trains women in 6 months offering a certificate of completion of the course. An assessment of the area found that there are fabrication units nearby where women can be employed as tailors.

Beauty Culture Course also offers a 6 month program free of cost with a certificate on completion. 50 students are enlisted for training at present. This is a growing industry that can employ these students once they complete the course.

The Computer Center supports digital learning at Project Why. The math classes for 9th and 10th grade students are streamed from Girinagar centre and students from Okhla, Khadar and Yamuna. The digital learning enables students to build dignity, confidence, respect, in addition to improving their social and financial standing.

Budget for all these courses is $5000 per year. Details here:

Here is a video of the computer center:

This expertise and knowledge will be transferred to build a nonprofit center that serves an underprivileged population in Govindpuri, Delhi, India.

Dream it.

Project Why is a non profit organization that was started in 2000 with a mission to creating spaces to dream, learn and transform lives for an underprivileged population that has few opportunities in India to improve their lives. Along with education it also began focussing on skill development of women and youth to help them earn a living. The Peter Wulff Center at Project Why provides training for Tailoring and Beauty classes and computer education to enable them to earn a living. More about this at:

Build it.

You can help as it all begins with people. Every person has skills and a desire to reach out. Maybe you want to launch a business and donate a portion to the center. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, you can make all the difference by sharing your enterprise and skills to raise funds. Here is an example of how youth raised funds through ordinary projects:

Grow it.

It all began with an idea. In 1999, Rishi Sethi created the award winning Barrington Chess program combining chess education with service and philanthropy. By 2024 the program donated over $222,000 to charities, made possible by youth led service projects. The program is currently run by 2008 US Chess Champion GM Yury Shulman and continues to educate thousands of students in chess.

Sell it.

Team work has incredible hidden assets. There is a team ambition and drive towards a common goal. Ordinary people and youth inspired by each other transform experiences. Selling ideas, products or talent is hard but if there is passion for a project goals can be reached. For the last 24 years this is exactly what has been done by ordinary people who care about their world. We have sold art, lessons, food, products and won local, national and international awards in the process. If you have something to sell to help us raise funds contact us at

Style it.

Its stylish to be ambitious for others. See the lives it has transformed for youth social entrepreneurs. View the awards won by a group of dedicated volunteers:

and visit a short video created by youth on the impact of social entrepreneurship.

Share it.

Working together to support humanitarian causes started as a means to an end but in the process it transformed the lives of those who helped. The experiences of sharing goals and a common belief provided social, educational and cultural adventures for all who participated. The intergenerational aspects to fundraising developed understanding and patience but the best part of the adventure was the friendships that formed on the basis of working together. Join us for a journey in supporting the Peter Wulff Center at Project Why.