“Thank you so much for everything. For taking care of me, for giving me love as my parents. For coming into my life as an angel”, 20 year old Meher Hussain.

Meher was medically treated for her severe burns then educated and 20 years later she is a bright young lady ready to take on the world and do for others what was done for her. Read about her incredible story.

“ I can learn the basics of computers because of these computers,” Aakash from Project Why.

Donation of 8 computers established in 2012 to bring computer literacy to 300 youth in the slums of Delhi.

Watch a video about the computer center established in 2012 to bring computer literacy to 300 youth in the slums of Delhi.


“I feel more ambitious for others when we work together” 12 year old Ethan Gagliano

“Social entrepreneurship changed my life into a new direction that I did ’t know existed,” 13 year old Nabeel Rashid”

Here are some photographs of what is happening at The Peter Wulff Center. Images show women busy learning sewing and beautician courses while youth at the computer center enjoy building technology skills.

Your gifts make a positive impact on many lives.

Computer Center

The Peter Wulff Center donated 3 additional computers reviving the ability to restart computer classes for 350 students from low income backgrounds. These students would never have an opportunity to use computers if it were not for Project Why making the effort to donate the space and bringing teachers into the center.