Eating and Learning with a Purpose.

July 12th 2024

Iron sharpens iron; So, a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

Proverbs 27:17

Few think that a 10 year old has the power to change circumstances for a few children across the world but here in Barrington Jack Weed beat the odds. He raised money to fund 3 computers at the Govindpuri slums in Delhi, India. The center is run by Project Why a Delhi based nonprofit transforming lives for children and families living in poverty in Delhi:

Jack did this by raising funds to sponsor a dinner and cooking class on July 11th for 15 people. Each person paid $50 per head to learn how to cook middle eastern dishes by award winning cook Zein Bertacchi. The evening was enlightening as the guests were aware of their meal making a big difference in the lives of children living in poverty who would never have the chance to access a computer.

Jack, at a young age has understood the magnitude of his service and the impact it has on children who are enthusiastic about learning technology like him. Jack volunteer leader at the Peter Wulff Center, a nonprofit established in Barrington to transform lives of families in the slums of India. https://www.peterwulffcenter.o.... The center was created after the sudden death of 41 year old Peter Wulff. This center runs sewing and beautician courses to enable women to earn wages and a computer education center for children.

Over 10 years ago youth at Chess Without Borders, a nonprofit program in Barrington IL, created this computer center serving 300 low income students but sadly years later only 2 of the old computers were still running making it hard to continue computer classes.

Here is a video of the computer center 10 years ago:

These connections between youth in Barrington and Project Why started 17 years ago when a District 220 alum, Nina Sethi did a teaching internship at Project Why in 2009. There has been a social, educational, geographic and economic impact felt here in Barrington, IL and in the Govindpuri slums in Delhi, India. Hundreds of children have entered chess tournaments in Barrington to support Project Why, 5 students from the US have interned at Project Why in India and most importantly this connection has academically advanced students who served as marketing, PR and technology agents for these humanitarian ventures. As 14 year old Ethan Gagliano said, "I feel more ambitious when doing things for others". Over the years, the students humanitarian work was noteworthy and unique as over 30 were honored with the President's Volunteer Service Award from the White House.

Our current Presidential Youth Volunteer Award winner is Jack Weed who has served over 40 hours to raise funds with adult mentors to restart the computer program with 8 computers for 188 students. Jack has engaged in unusual ways to raise funds such as selling Zein's Magical Spices. https://www.peterwulffcenter.o... Jack has started a social entrepreneurial company called "Jacks Wish" that will feature his ventures and be run under the guidance of the Peter Wulff Center. The purpose is to continue pursuing his humanitarian service and be a role model for friends who inspire each other to reach higher goals.

Other humanitarian projects Jack has done are funding a ex prisoner Christmas lunch and a Korean mission trip for some of the adult children whose fathers fought in the Korean war. Such a unique and extraordinary commitment at an early age is remarkable and has ripple effects on other children, his mentors and his community.

Thanks to Jack's sponsorship the evening dinner and cooking lessons on July 11th 2024 raised funds for 3 more computers for the Peter Wulff Center computer program. This means restarting computer classes for 188 low income students sharing 8 computers.

Enthusiasm is the state of caring about something. Always look for it in others. When you find it, strike sparks from it. Some of these sparks will kindle a fire in you. - Emerson

For any questions or joining as volunteers for a host of opportunities please email


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